Data Collection Systems

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The ACGME Data Collection Systems comprise the Accreditation Data System (ADS), which includes the Case Log System, and the Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys.

ADS is a web-based software system that contains critical accreditation data for all Sponsoring Institutions and programs. It is a tool to collect and organize information for accreditation purposes, and serves as a means of communication between the ACGME and Sponsoring Institutions and programs. It is also used internally by the Department of Field Activities and the staff of the Review Committees in conducting accreditation activities. ADS incorporates several applications and functions, including the Annual Update, Milestones, Case Logs, and the application for accreditation.

The Department of Field Activities uses ADS for site visit scheduling and housing site visit reports for submission to the Review Committees, and programs use ADS to evaluate site visitors. The Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program uses ADS to schedule CLER visits and manage additional details of the CLER process.

The Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys are managed in a separate system in order to protect and preserve anonymity and confidentiality. Conducted annually, the surveys poll program residents/fellows and faculty members to collect critical evaluations of components of their programs to assist in their review for the purposes of accreditation. The Surveys are only accessible by those participating during specific windows during the academic year. These participation windows are communicated directly to institutions and programs via email. All accredited programs are required to meet a minimum level of participation compliance with the ACGME Surveys.

The majority of data is available only to individuals with login credentials. Public-facing data is available here. Logins are provided to designated institutional officials (DIOs), program directors, program coordinators, residents and fellows, and faculty members participating in surveys. Users have access to the following systems:

  • Program Director: ADS, including Case Logs for viewing reports
  • DIO: ADS, including Case Logs for viewing reports
  • Residents/Fellows: Case Logs and ACGME Surveys
  • Faculty Members: ACGME Surveys
  • Others: Search Programs and Institutions