The resources listed on this page provide information about the ACGME, its purpose, and the importance of its work to all physicians in training. We encourage you to learn more, ask questions, and get involved.
The mission of the ACGME is to improve health care and population health by assessing and advancing the quality of resident physicians' education through accreditation.
Through accreditation, innovations, and initiatives, the ACGME strives to ensure that residents and fellows train in educational environments that support patient safety, resident and fellow education, and physician well-being.
The ACGME is a private, 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization that sets standards for US graduate medical education (residency and fellowship) programs and the institutions that sponsors them, and renders accreditation decisions based on compliance with these standards. Accreditation is achieved through a voluntary process of evaluation and review based on published accreditation standards. ACGME accreditation provides assurance that a Sponsoring Institution or program meets the quality standards (Institutional and Program Requirements) of the specialty or subspecialty practice(s) for which it prepares its graduates. ACGME accreditation is overseen by a Review Committee made up of volunteer specialty experts from the field that set accreditation standards and provide peer evaluation of Sponsoring Institutions and specialty and subspecialty residency and fellowship programs.
Recognition is additional acknowledgment, supplemental to accreditation, for identified elements or categories of a Sponsoring Institution or program. Recognition is conferred through a voluntary process of evaluation and review based on published recognition standards. ACGME recognition is overseen by a Recognition Committee made up of volunteer experts and a representative of the public. Depending on the type of recognition, programs must be accredited by the ACGME, or sponsored by an institution accredited by the ACGME.
In attending to its mission to improve health care and population health through accreditation, the ACGME dedicates research and resources to areas impacting graduate medical education such as the clinical learning environment and physician well-being.
Back to Bedside is an ACGME resident-led initiative supporting transformative projects that enhance meaning in medicine by engaging on a deeper level with patients.